4c 6f 72 65 6e 7a (hexadecimal code for LORENZ)

Part of the Half-life series on decay and entropy. Piece depicts the shape a of a Lorenz attractor - a result from a set of chaotic solutions of the Lorenz system. The popularist term 'butterfly effect' stems from the real-world implications of the Lorenz attractor, i.e. that in any physical system, in the absence of perfect knowledge of the initial conditions (even the minuscule disturbance of the air due to a butterfly flapping its wings), our ability to predict its future course will always fail. This underscores that physical systems can be completely deterministic and yet still be inherently unpredictable even in the absence of quantum effects (hence the relation to order/chaos/entropy)

Half-life is defined as 'the time required for a quantity to reduce to half of its initial value', and in this series, sections of the art reduce from 400 pixels, down to 200, 100, 50 and 25px. This represents entropy and the law of thermodynamics in which a system tends to progress from order to chaos. ​​​​​​​
4c 6f 72 65 6e 7a

4c 6f 72 65 6e 7a
